Progress & Consistency Bible Reading Plan
To download the reading plan go to www.harbourshores.org/forms-download
The Reading Plan’s Layout:
The Progress and Consistency Bible Reading Plan divides Scripture into seven general categories. This method, recommended by others, helps ease the struggle of reading through some of the more difficult books of the Bible. You will read from that particular book only once a week until finished, rather than every day!
The week starts with Psalms as they seem to particularly move us from the reality of our lives to a proper heart and mind of worship. The Gospels are chosen for Monday with the goal to provide a Christ-centered mindset as we begin our work week. They also tend to be more easily read by most, and, let’s face it, Monday is a day when we need something easier! The New Testament Epistles are separated from the Gospels and Acts by Old Testament reading (Pentateuch & History) in order to have New Testament reading in both the first and second half of the week. Each category (or column) is, in turn, divided into a list of 52 reading assignments. This certainly allows for the ease of reading through the Bible in a year, if one should choose. However, the emphasis of this reading plan is on PROGRESSING through the Scriptures and BUILDING CONSISTENCY in the discipline of Bible reading. Simply select the day of the week (i.e.-Monday (see Fig. A) and read the next Scripture reading assignment in that column. If you miss a Sunday, simply pick up the next Sunday where you left off previously. You will not complete the Bible in a year in this way, but that is not the primary goal. The goal is the reading of God’s Word!
One other benefit of this plan is that you start anytime. It is not tied to a calendar or schedule. You start any day of the week and any time throughout the years:
Prayer: Speak to the Lord and share your heart with Him and humbly ask Him to speak to you through His Word. As we come to our time in the Word, our hearts and minds are often racing in many different directions. We need to seek God’s help in inclining our hearts towards Him and His Word!
Journal: I encourage you to begin a journal to accompany your studies. This is simply a means to force you to think more fully on what you have read. I encourage you to fully complete your reading for the day, then journal. This discipline forces you to listen to God before just throwing thoughts on paper. You may not journal every day, but after completing your reading, write down a key verse or verses. Prayerfully note any context and observations that the Spirit of God may bring to your attention through the passage. Next, briefly summarize the author’s intended meaning. Finally, in a sentence or two, note how you need to begin to apply this message of God’s Word. Application may vary from meditating more fully, repentance (putting off), practice, thinking differently, acting differently, worshipping more fully, etc. You can remember these four steps using the acrostic COMA (Context, Observation, Meaning, and Application).
Parents (Family Devotions): Parents, simply select a passage from your reading for the day to share with your family at meal time, bed time or drive time to not only pass along truth, but to model Bible study , meditation and application as you disciple your children “when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6: ).
“But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble
and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” (Isaiah 66:2b)
To download the reading plan go to www.harbourshores.org/forms-download
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