Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hopeful Humility

A man of humility says, “I will submit, for God has the right.”

Humility submits to others who don’t seem to deserve it, Philippians 2

Because it is the model Christ gave to us.

Humility runs the race enjoys honoring others,

Not in false humility, but in sincere gratitude.

Sincere humility has no aversion

To “in honor preferring others better than yourself.” Romans 12:10

A man’s humility is his perfect vision;

Seeing himself in his proper place

Confidently trusting that God exalts at His perfect pace;

Resisting proudly lifting up one’s name and efforts,

Only to be brought lower than at the first. 1 Peter 5:5-6

Pride resists the criticism of others, Proverbs 15:12

And always attributes fault to them;

While humility weighs such words with care,

Knowing that the wise can find value,

While ignoring the cut of the criticism,

Because certainly the criticism would be much greater,

If my heart and thoughts were open for all to see. Proverbs 15:31-32

Pride is the source of all contention, Proverbs 13:10

At work, home, church and nation.

Humility is the heartbeat of reconciliation,

The lifeblood of restoration.

Humility is the breath of strength and hope,

Empowering enduring forgiveness,

Even when another’s offense seems greater. Ephesians 4:32

Pride says, “I’ve been hurt by men and women.”

And results in withdrawal and ineffectiveness;

When surrounded by difficulty and ungodliness,
Humility declares, “Speak Lord, your servant listens”

Humility responds to trials with expectant joy,

Knowing trials are designed by a perfect God. James 1:2

Humility is willing to give up everything wanted,

In order to receive everything needed. Matthew 23:12

It sacrifices what a man believes he is due,

In order to receive much more than one deserves. Luke 12:29-34; Mark 8:35-36

Humility fights not for oneself and rights,

But for the glory of God and what is right. Ephesians 5:25

Humility says, “I will submit, for God is right, Romans 8:24

And He is in sovereign, loving control.”

His way is just, His path one of joy.

His plan is perfect, His promises are absolute. Hebrews 10:23; Isaiah 57:15

I can be humble in all of life’s circumstances,

Because I, like Job, recognize that God is in control. Job 1:21-22

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